Mortimer Benefice

Our new website is now live


If you would like to speak with a priest in complete confidence telephone the Vicar, Fr. Paul Chaplin – 01189 331718

Click here to read the Vicar's letter 4th November 2020.

Weekly Newsletter

To receive the weekly newsletter, please, just let the office know -

View the latest weekly newsletter below.

Weekly Newsletter 29th to 6th November 2020

The Sunday Link 29th November 2020

The Benefice will be live-streaming the forthcoming services

at St. John’s, Mortimer via Zoom

Sunday 22ndNovember at 10 am

The Feast of Christ the King

Sunday 29thNovember at 6 pm

The Advent Procession

Sunday 20thDecember at 4 pm

The Carol Service – Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Thursday 24thDecember at 5 pm


Thursday 24thDecember at 11.30 pm

Midnight Mass

Friday 25th December at 10 am

Christmas Day


All Saints’ Day - Sunday 1st November 2020


Please join to celebrate and give thanks at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth

Parish Eucharist on All Saints’ Day - Sunday 1st November 2020 at 10.00 am

at St John’s Church, Mortimer, & online at ZOOM

If you have zoom difficulties please contact the tech. team at 01189333136.

We welcome our guest preacher for this All Saints Sunday - Fr Jonathan Ewer SSM,

who is a Provincial of the Society of the Sacred Mission.

Prayer Thought:  At All Saints’ tide we give thanks for and honour all the countless men and women who have been faithful to Jesus Christ and through whom the light of his Gospel continues to shine upon our world. And we ask too that their examples and prayers may encourage us to hear Jesus, to put our trust in him, and to live his way that, in some small part, the light of his Gospel / his Good News may shine through our lives.

Order of service


Sunday 25th October 2020 at 10.00 am


Please join to celebrate and give thanks at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth

Parish Eucharist

on Sunday 25th October 2020 at 10.00 am

at St John’s Church, Mortimer,

& online at ZOOM

If you have zoom difficulties please contact the tech. team at 01189333136



Christ washing the feet of the disciples.



Prayer Thought: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’. The scriptures reveal that God always has a special care for those who are particularly vulnerable: the bewildered stranger, the lonely widow or orphan, the sick and handicapped. Jesus’ rule is clear - treat others as we would treat ourselves. This is the crux of the Gospel. God bless.

Full Order of Service



Please join to celebrate and give thanks at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth

Parish Eucharist

on Sunday 18th October 2020 at 10.00 am when our preacher will be Julian Tucker who is an experienced teacher of Biblical theology and a Reader in the Church of England.

At St John’s Church, Mortimer, & online at ZOOM

If you have zoom difficulties please contact the tech. team at 01189333136


The Tribute Money


Peter Paul Rubens


Prayer Thought Matthew 22: 15-22: Christians believe that earthly rulers and political regimes are called to be good stewards who reveal something of God’s beneficent power. But they only hold their power for a day. Whereas our ultimate concern should be with the eternal power of God’s love and his good plan for humankind and all creation.

All this we are reminded of, give thanks for, and celebrate when we come together - in ‘one heart and mind’ - to worship, to hear the guiding scriptures, and to pray.

While we serve the needs of our society and those of our families and friends, and our own needs too, we must allow nothing to compromise our commitment to love and serve God and his ‘kingdom’ above all else. This means, of course, that there are times when Christians have a duty boldly to insist that, while the ‘Caesars’ of this world - little and large - may be owed their due, we won’t stand by and watch silently if they exclude or step on any of God’s vulnerable ones or undermine his good purposes and loving plan for his people and creation. God bless

Order of Service Sheet



The Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Prayer for all departed loved ones.


Dear Friends,


The Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Prayer for all departed loved ones.

The 2020 Requiem for All Souls

7.30 pm Monday 2nd November 2020


We warmly invite you to join online at this annual service when we remember with thankfulness, love and prayer all our loved ones - family members and friends - whose lives have blessed us and who have died and gone before us into the light of God’s nearer presence.


You will understand that this year the invitation is to join with us online at Zoom and that, due to Coronavirus, we are not able to invite you to attend personally at St John’s church.


If you need any help getting online then please don’t hesitate to contact the tech. team who will be happy to help: 01189333136.


Everybody is welcome to join online. We send special invitations to those from our Parishes who have been bereaved during the last twelve months or so. And if you would like your departed loved ones to be remembered with thanksgiving and prayer, and their names to be read at the altar, please e mail or telephone the office or fill in the names and return the slip to the office.


If, at any time, you would like to talk to one of the clergy then please do not hesitate to telephone.


I do very much hope that you will be able to join online for this for this very special service of prayer and  thanksgiving


God Bless,

 Vicar: Fr Paul Chaplin                                    


Sunday 11th October 2020 at 10.00 am - St Johns, Mortimer

 Please join to celebrate and give thanks at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth

Parish Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist

on Sunday 11th October 2020 at 10.00 am

at St John’s Church, Mortimer,

& online at ZOOM

If you have zoom difficulties please contact the tech. team at 01189333136



The Corn Harvest in Provence

Vincent van Gogh



Prayer Thought: Harvest Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the beautiful gifts of creation and to acknowledge our dependency on this Earth and on God for his grace and guidance as we pray that we may be better stewards of his gifts.

Harvest is also a time to give thanks for the expertise and hard work of all those who produce and supply our food both locally and globally and to acknowledge our mutual dependency on one another.

The ‘giving’ part of ‘thanksgiving’ requires us to learn ‘stewardship’ and just how to share generously the gifts of the harvest.

Let us pray for God’s grace and guidance that we may honour him, all humankind and all creation through becoming better stewards of the harvest. And that’s how our lives start to yield the fruits of the harvest of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (cf. Galatians 5: 22, 23). God bless. 


 Please join to celebrate and give thanks

at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth Parish Eucharist

on Sunday 4th October 2020 at 10.00 am

at St John’s Church, Mortimer,

& online at ZOOM

If you have zoom difficulties please contact the tech. team at 01189333136



Vineyards with a View of Auvers - Vincent van Gogh


Prayer Thought: Every one of us has a part of God’s vineyard set before us - a part of the Kingdom of God to tend: our families, our communities, our work, our church, our environment are all parts of God’s vineyard. God does not exclude anyone from service in the vineyard, but we may exclude ourselves by walking away or failing to work conscientiously in that part of the vineyard we have been given to tend.

In this Sunday’s parable we are meant to see ourselves as the tenants provided by God with everything we need to make the vineyard bear fruit. As God calls us to be good stewards of his vineyard so he also gives us the freedom to run it as we choose, but we need to remember it is still God’s and not ours. If we are to be good stewards we need to be sensitive to what God asks of us and be ready to seek his guidance and help. This is what prayer is about - coming to know the ‘mind of God’ about our lives.

We are all called by God to produce good fruit in that part of the vineyard in which we have been placed. In this time of pandemic what fruits will we produce for the Lord and how will we do that? How will we use the gifts he has given us to tend and help those in greatest need?