Mortimer Benefice

Our new website is now live


If you would like to speak with a priest in complete confidence telephone the Vicar, Fr. Paul Chaplin – 01189 331718

Click here to read the Vicar's letter 4th November 2020.

Weekly Newsletter

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Weekly Newsletter 29th to 6th November 2020

The Sunday Link 29th November 2020

The Benefice will be live-streaming the forthcoming services

at St. John’s, Mortimer via Zoom

Sunday 22ndNovember at 10 am

The Feast of Christ the King

Sunday 29thNovember at 6 pm

The Advent Procession

Sunday 20thDecember at 4 pm

The Carol Service – Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Thursday 24thDecember at 5 pm


Thursday 24thDecember at 11.30 pm

Midnight Mass

Friday 25th December at 10 am

Christmas Day

Baptism and Confirmation

At Baptism we become members of that part of God’s family which Christians call the family of the Church. Baptism has been described as the door we open to begin a new life in Christ. It is for adults and for children.

Parents and Godparents who present their children for Baptism are entrusted to pass on to them their faith in Christ and at the appropriate time, to encourage them to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.

FOR INFANTS.  If you would like to explore Baptism for your child please contact the Vicar. Baptisms usually take place within the Eucharist or at 11.45 a.m. on Sundays. We offer pre-baptism preparation sessions and a meeting with one of the parish priests provides the opportunity to talk through the issues involved and look at the order of service. Follow-up visits, to encourage and support the new Church members and their families, are offered by our team of Baptism Visitors.

THE PROMISE GODPARENTS MAKE. At Baptism the Church family is represented by Godparents. ‘Godparent’ is not an honorary title, but a job description. Godparents are, with the Parents or Guardians of our children, their guide at the beginning of the journey of Christian life. Godparents should come to see the need for their own Baptism commitment to deepen and for their love for God and neighbour to become ever more generous.

RENEWING OUR PROMISE AS PARENTS AND GODPARENTS At the Baptism of our children we, as Parents and Godparents, publicly profess our faith, and promise to bring our children up in the practice of the faith. This undertaking requires us to teach our children to pray and to know and love Jesus Christ and to join in Eucharistic worship on Sundays. Families and friends, whether Christian or not, are very welcome to attend the services. If you are not a Christian you are invited to join in the prayers and responses only in so far as you feel able.

BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION  If you think you may be interested in finding out more about Baptism and Confirmation for Christian life please contact the Vicar. There are regular Confirmation Programmes for both young people and adults, culminating in the Sacrament of Confirmation.