Please join and invite your family and neighbours to join and to celebrate and give thanks at the Mortimer, MWE & Padworth
Parish Eucharist on Sunday 15th November 2020 at 10.00 am online at ZOOM
If you have any difficulties with getting online with Zoom please do not hesitate to contact the tech. team at 01189333136.
The Parable of the Talents & The Good and Faithful Servant.
Stewardship is about how we use everything God has entrusted to us.
Prayer Thought: This
Sunday’s parable teaches that God has given each of us ‘talents. In the
original language’ talent’ refers to a sum of money, but in our language
to a much broader category of skills and abilities. And we have an unknown
amount of time to use/invest our ‘talents’ to spread Jesus Christ’s good news
and to extend the Kingdom of God by promoting truly human values - justice and
peace. Our talents are every gift we have received starting with the gift of
our lives, including all the capabilities of our bodies and minds, extending to
education, culture, faith, vocation, and every opportunity and resource within
our personal sphere of influence - from money to artistic sensibility, from
creativity to physical gifts, from freedom of speech to our time. In other
words, we have received everything from God, and we are free either to bury or
squander our gifts in the holes of self-indulgence, greed, indifference,
laziness and fear, or to give them back with interest by putting them to work
for the good of all and thereby ushering in God’s way and his kingdom.
Everything is an opportunity to ‘build up or tear down’ Today’s parable
calls us to live for the things that last and to strive for those truly
human values which we see embodied in Christ .
The message is for us to enjoy the life and talents we have been given, invest them for eternity and trust that he will never ask of us more than we are capable of giving. Our life is a mission and we are all given real responsibility; what we do matters for ourselves and for others. If sometimes this makes us feel ‘pressured’ that’s not what God wants. He wants for us to launch out into the deep with complete confidence in him. Lord, enlarge our hearts and increase our faith and trust. Thank you for our talents and help us to put them to work. God bless.