Mortimer Benefice

Our new website is now live


If you would like to speak with a priest in complete confidence telephone the Vicar, Fr. Paul Chaplin – 01189 331718

Click here to read the Vicar's letter 4th November 2020.

Weekly Newsletter

To receive the weekly newsletter, please, just let the office know -

View the latest weekly newsletter below.

Weekly Newsletter 29th to 6th November 2020

The Sunday Link 29th November 2020

The Benefice will be live-streaming the forthcoming services

at St. John’s, Mortimer via Zoom

Sunday 22ndNovember at 10 am

The Feast of Christ the King

Sunday 29thNovember at 6 pm

The Advent Procession

Sunday 20thDecember at 4 pm

The Carol Service – Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Thursday 24thDecember at 5 pm


Thursday 24thDecember at 11.30 pm

Midnight Mass

Friday 25th December at 10 am

Christmas Day


What do we make of Jesus’ teaching?

 Perhaps most would agree that Jesus’ teaching has changed the world. Yet his sayings can sometimes seem cryptic and hard for us to understand.

Yet when we explore the images and figures of speech that Jesus used we find that really they are all ways of expressing and evoking the same self-giving love of God. Of course, for Christians this self-giving love is manifested supremely in Jesus’ own life.

Jesus’ images and figures of speech communicate ‘spiritual’ truths often not in a literal but in a poetic way. They encourage us to take our own moral decisions with sensitivity and care for others and for the whole of creation. They show that God’s love will never abandon anyone and that that love extends to everyone without exception. And they promise a fulfilment of that hope for justice and peace and wholeness that surpasses anything we might imagine or describe.

When we put aside literalist, judgemental and divisive presentations of Jesus’ teachings what remains is the gospel/good news of divine love - a love stronger than death and the only power that can and will redeem us all and our disordered world. God bless.